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Gromin nutrients are not organic, since anything organic requires a bacteria assisted process. This is possible only in a soil based cultivation, where the microorganisms in the soil break up the organic matter in the form the plant requires.
Gromin plant nutrients are natural, since they have exactly the same chemical form nutrient that are present in the soil. Plants cannot absorb these nutrients if they don’t have these specific forms and hence, Gromin nutrients are indeed natural. They are exactly the same molecules that are found in soil. Your Easygro Stele gardening is just a form of manipulation in which plants are given an amount of these nutrients that fits their needs optimally. It differs from their natural conditions in that the growth conditions are better. The plant gets all it’s nutrients in the same form it gets them from the soil without requiring to break up the organic matter or fight the pathological microorganisms.
Gromin plant nutrients are blended from natural, earth minerals of high purity, to enable superior plant growth and enhance nutrient quotient in your veggies & fruits.
For best results, its most ideal to grow leafy vegetables on a separate Easygro Stele the one used and your fruiting & flowering plants on another. Leafy vegetables like the lettuce & the spinach require nitrogen in higher quantities, while the fruiting & flowering plants require higher amounts of Phosphorous & Potassium during their flowering/ fruiting stages. For best results, it is better to grow one type at a time or have them grow on separate Easygro Stele modules.
Yes. As long as the plants are able to get their daily dose of the sunlight . Once in a while moving your Easygro Stele indoors for a day or two will not adversely effect the plants.
The Easygro Stele has been designed as a simple, do-it-yourself product. It should not take you more that thirty minutes to assemble & get started. An illustrated manual along with the kit will easily guide you with the process. A video is also available on our website. If you still require assistance, you can call our help desk and request for our team to help you out.
Plants in your Easygro Stele grows in a highly hygiene environment and any contaminant can impact your plant growth. We discourage transplanting any plant from soil into your easygro Stele, for the simple reason that your plants could be carrying soil-borne infections that can spread to the rest of your plants.
Yes. Any good quality seed can be used in your Easygro Gropods. Once the cocopeat discs in your Gropods expand, make a small hole with a blunt pencil, to a depth of not more than 10 to 15mm. Drop couple of seeds into the hole and close it loose. Germinate them on your Grotrays before you transfer them onto your Easygro Stele. You can browse for an assortment of veggies, fruit & flower seeds in the respective section
Yes. Water is the lifeline for the plants in your Easygro Stele. The way our body requires clean & pure water, so do the plants. Hence its very important to use the right quality of water in your Easygro Stele. Simply put, if your water is fit for drinking, it is good for your plants too. Generally, water supplied by your municipalities are treated, but tend to be chlorinated. Chlorine in water can be eliminated by exposing the water to sunlight for couple of days before using it in your Easygro Stele. If your only source of water is from a borewell, it is highly recommended that you use RO filtered water and not the water from your borewell. NEVER use softened water, heavily chlorinated water or very hard water as it may damage your plants.
Plants in your Easygro Stele grow in a soilless environment. Hence all the nutrients that the plant requires, and that are otherwise available for them in soil, need to be fed in a form, that can be easily absorbed by the plants. The nutrient is the basis of your Easygro Stele gardening. Along with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, that the plants obtain from air and water, they need thirteen basic mineral elements to thrive. Even the absence or reduction of one mineral can adversely effect plant growth. ‘GROMIN’ plant nutrients are exclusively prepared using naturally occurring minerals in its purest form and optimised to help plants grow healthy in a soilless environment.
Easygro Stele requires a regular power source to just 5.5watts. It is highly recommended to plug your Easygro Stele to a UPS power source for uninterrupted operation.
Plants need sunlight to photosynthesise and need to photosynthesise to survive. Without adequate sunlight, a plant will grow tall and spindly. If there is enough energy to grow leaves, they still may not totally expand. And without enough light, don’t expect any flowers or fruits on them. All vegetable plants and most flowers require large amounts of sunlight. In the Soil or on your Easygro Stele, plants need at least 8 to 10 hours of direct sunlight every day to grow well and produce fruits & flowers. Artificial lighting is a poor substitute for sunshine, as most indoor lights do not provide enough intensity to produce a crop.
A minimal maintenance is recommended. Though the built-in intelligence in your Easygro Stele will monitor and alert you for your attention, its recommended to personally check for water+nutrient levels and circulation.
Keep the reservoir clean & free from dirt & impurities. It is recommended that the reservoir be completely flushed & cleaned between refill.
Check around the Pump for any blockages.
Remove dead or decayed leaves
Its ideal to maintain the water-nutrient mix in the reservoir at 25-30C. A wooden planter box or a mat around the reservoir will help in avoiding the direct sunlight on it.
Check for veggies that are ready for harvest.
Some plants may have to be replaced after harvest.
Replace plants every 3–4 months for best yields.
This depends on each plant cycle. Generally, the plants grow faster in the Easygro Stele and most of them should be ready to harvest between four-eight weeks time
Each side of your Easygro Stele can easily grow 36 plants. Hence, we are talking about 72 plants, considering both sides.
No worries! Your Easygro Stele requires just two square feet of your floor space. When the plants grow they may require a little more space beyond the Stele’s footprint.
You don’t have to be a gardening expert. Just the thought is good enough to get you started with your Easygro Stele gardening. Plant the seeds in the gropods in the grotrays. And once they germinate, transfer them into one of the numerous pod pockets. Fill the reservoir with the gromin-enriched water. Plug the Stele to a nearby electrical socket and your garden is ready. Its that simple!
Easygro Stele is a self-sustained system with its own water circulating system. Nutrient enriched water requires to be filled only three to four times a month*, depending on the season & your plant growth. And the best part is that they eliminate all hassles associated with soil based gardening: no tilling, no manuring, no soil-borne insect attacks, no weeding, no dirty hands! You may have to find alternate uses for all your gardening tools!
A simple ROI calculation on your vegetable shopping will tell you that your investment can be recovered in around an year’s time, considering an average spend of Rs.50/day on your salad vegetables. And nothing is more valuable than the reassurance of fresh and chemical-free vegetables that your family can eat with confidence.
Yes. There are many features that makes your Easygro Stele environment friendly: they use 90% less water compared to the same crops in traditional soil farming. They require less than one tenth the space compared to traditional soil farming. They ensure right nutrition in the right quantities and right at the root source to enable healthy growth. Plants grow faster, since they get the right amount of nutrients, water & oxygen. No fertilisers, herbicides & pesticides are required to stimulate plant growth and hence plants grow in a chemical-free environment. They help cut back on pesticides, soil born illnesses, insects, viruses, fungus, and other diseases that come along with soil gardening. This also means that the air & the soil is clean, and causing less harm to the environment. They consume very low power with an option to run on solar energy too.
Easygro Stele gardening is not an organic form, but a natural form of growing plants. Gromin nutrients used as plant food are not organic, since anything organic requires bacterial activity to break the organic matter. This is possible only in a soil based cultivation, where the microorganisms in the soil break up the organic matter to the form that the plant can absorb.
Gromin plant nutrients are natural, since they have exactly the same chemical form nutrient that are present in the soil. Plants cannot absorb these nutrients if they don’t have these specific forms and hence, Gromin nutrients are indeed natural. They are the exact same molecules that are found in soil. Your Easygro Stele gardening is just a form of manipulation in which plants are given an amount of these nutrients that fits their needs optimally. It differs from their natural conditions in that the growth conditions are better. The plant gets all it’s nutrients in the same form it gets them from the soil without requiring to break up the organic matter or fight the pathological microorganisms.
Your Easygro Stele is quite light in weight and provided on wheels. You can roll them anywhere you like. You could even roll them to your living room for an evening party, and the plants are not gonna complain!
Fruiting plants like the tomato or the melons require supports, especially when they start to fruit. Easygro’s Gro’Trellis is the ideal accessory for such requirements.
You can grow most of the leafy vegetables including the lettuces & the spinaches, most of the vegetables: tomatoes, egg plants, chillies to name a few, dwarf varieties of flowering plants and most ornamental plants.
What you cannot grow on your Easygro Stele are the root crops like the onions & the carrots and heavier & taller plants. Check out the section that contains a detailed list of plants that can be ideally grown on your Easygro Stele.
Your Easygro Stele has been designed to meet such rigours that are quite specific to some of our cities. Our patented Nutrimat has a high water & nutrient retention capacity and ensures they are available for the plants for about an hour, is such eventualities. If you stay in a place where you have longer power shutdowns, it is recommended to plug your Easygro Stele to a UPS power source. Your Easygro Stele requires only 5.5 watts of power!
The pumps used in your Easygro Stele are of very high quality and built to run continuously for 30000 hours. Though the pump is designed for very high reliability, its always safe to check once a while on the pump functioning. Just lift the inlet lid and check if the water is dripping back into the reservoir This ensures that the pump is working fine.
The GROPOD is ideally a support structure with a growing media, that helps hold the seed or the SEEDPEG and support them as it grows into a plant. It uses cocopeat as the growing media. The growing media is the substance over which the roots of the growing plants are supported. The function of the growing media in your Easygro Stele is totally different from the one achieve by soil in traditional cultivation, because in this case the growing media is just the plants’ mechanical support and it’s not involved in any other growing process.
Nutrimat is an innovation and is a core element of your Easygro Stele. It is made of 100% natural, water absorbent material and with a high water retention capability. Along with the nutrient-rich water circulation system, it ensures that the nutrients are evenly distributed & available to every single plant on your Easygro Stele. And in a country that is prone to frequent power shutdowns, the nutrimat helps in sustaining the nutrition to help plants survive for about an hour.
The Nutrimat is designed to last the lifetime of your Easygro Stele. In the worst case of clogging due to dense root growth, you may have to replace the Pod panel.
SEEDPEGs are seed embedded plant tags that simplifies your otherwise meticulous seeding process. Seeds are embedded at the right height for them to germinate easily. All it takes for you is to choose from the variety of herb, veggie & flowering SEEDPEGs and insert them into your GROPODs.
Your Easygro Stele is moulded from high quality, virgin poly ethylene: the kind of material used to make your overhead water tanks. They are build tough, food grade and UV resistant and hence are safe both for the plants and for you and they can resist the harshness of the outdoors.
The Easygro Stele kit includes all the components to get you started with your gardening. The kit includes a 6 feet tall, double-sided Easygro Stele module, that lets you grow upto 72 plants, 8 sets of Grotrays, each with 9 Gropods and 2 packs of Gromin plant nutrients.
Your Easygro Stele will require three things on a regular basis: Gromin plant nutrients, Water & electricity. Your monthly operating costs will be in the range of Rs. 150–300 per month. If you do not have access to RO water, cost of bottled water may be additional.
Each Gromin plant nutrient tablet pack has been formulated for one full reservoir. Each time you refill the reservoir with 60 litres of pure drinking water, you will have to add the five tablets that is provided in a pack. Throughly dissolve the five tablets from the pack in a clean container of lukewarm water. Add this mix to the reservoir along with the 60 litres of pure drinking water. Do not add more or less than the recommended dosage. This will lead to plant stress and effect its growth.
The plants that you will grow on your Easygro Stele requires their share of the sunlight for photosynthesising. You can keep your Easygro Stele in your balcony or the terrace or even by your window, as long as you ensure that your plants get enough sunlight.
When you grow your veggies on your Easygro Stele, you know for sure that your veggies are lot more fresher, healthier & pesticide free, unlike the ones that you buy. It is a proven fact that hydroponically grown veggies are crispier, healthier and pesticides free.
Easygro Stele is based on the concept of low-pressure Aeroponics: a process of growing plants in an air or mist environment, and, without soil. Nutrient & oxygen-enriched water soaks a patented water-retention mat: ’Nutrimat’, suspended in a light-proof, aeration chamber. Plants grow out of small ‘gropods’ that are placed into the numerous pockets provided on either side of the chamber. The nutrient enriched atmosphere around the Nutrimat feeds the roots with the rich nutrients and enriched oxygen, resulting in incredibly healthy plants and nutritious fruits, flowers & vegetables.
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